A True Style Definer

Once targeted to women for a classic/elegant look, brooch's slowly made its' way into the menswear industry. Brooch's (if worn correctly) can add a touch of elegance and class to an outfit as well as set high standards of personal style. Brooch's can be worn on suit blazers, military style blazers, and vests. When I think of brooch's, I envision a dapper man in the 1940's dressed in a tailored suit with a pair of aviators on.
What are your thoughts on Brooch's? If you wish to purchase one to set your style apart from others, then visit
http://www.topman.com/*With the purchase of this brooch (pictured above), proceeds are given to Everyman Charity. Everyman Charity is a charity founded for males that are diagnosed with Testicular Cancer*
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