Lady GaGa: Poker Face

Lady GaGa has just released her video for her second single "Poker Face". The clip is typical GaGa, but she managed to take it to the next level. For those who may not know, Lady GaGa is a singer/songwriter/dancer/performer who hails from New York City, and has been heating up the dance and pop charts. Most people may recognize the retro futurist for her 1st single "Just Dance", but her other material has been circulating as well, due to the fact her album, The Fame, has been released in Canada already. The Fame drops October 28 in America. I will definitely be picking this one up! Lady GaGa is also currently on tour with NKOTB (New Kids on the Block) and will be performing at the Bobcats Arena on October 30.
What do you think about the video?
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