Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mariah Carey "I Stay In Love"

Mariah Carey Stays In Love

The new video from Mariah Carey's latest album E=MC2 has just surfaced! Nick Cannon (who is Mariah's Husband) directed the video. I must say he did a really great job! The track/video, which is one of my personal favorites shows Mariah's more delicate side in love and heartache. As most of her videos do extremely well, I'm sure "I Stay In Love" will do the star great justice!
What do you think of Mariah's "I Stay In Love?"


Anonymous said...

i so love this song its so heart breaking i havent seen the video but of course its always related to her songs and very glamorous

Anonymous said...

I personally love the song, the video, and her whole album for that matter. Good Job Mariah and Nick!